The Wellcome Sanger Institute leads ambitious collaborative research into genomic variation. Research at the wellcome sanger institute aims to provide novel insight into genomic variation and the processes which can lead to mutations.
Human Cell Atlas:
The International Human Cell Atlas Initiative, within the Wellcome Sanger Institute, aims to create a comprehensive reference maps of all human cells that can be used to define the cellular basis of health and disease.
Teichmann Group
The Teichman Group’s research focuses on protein structure evolution, higher order protein structure and protein folding. Sarah Teichmen’s research uses genomic approaches to study global regulation of gene expression.
Jones Group:
The Jones group studies the alteration of normal cell behaviour through mutations in the early stages of cancer evolution. The Jones group currently received tissue for the study of squamous tissues (Skin epidermis and the lining of the oesophagus).
Martincorena Group:
The Marticonrena Group’s research focuses on the accumulation of somatic mutations throughout life. The CBTM currently provides tissue for the study of somatic mutations in healthy tissues and its implications in ageing and cancer development.